Established in May 2021, the Hawaii Defense Alliance brings together industry, government, educational institutions and community resource partners to work together to help increase local business opportunities while also identifying challenges to the local defense industrial base and offering solutions.
In January 2021, DBEDT released its Hawaii Defense Economy Strengths-Weakness-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) Analysis & Report and Action Plan, that identifies the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to Hawaii’s defense sector. It also proposed initiatives to expand opportunities for more local business and contractors to engage in, and benefit from military spending. One of the main initiatives from the Action Plan included the establishment of the Hawaii Defense Alliance.

The Chamber of Commerce Hawaii’s Military Affairs Council (MAC) was selected by the Hawaii Department of Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT) to establish the Alliance. Since 1985, the MAC advocates on behalf of Hawaii’s military as it is the second economic driver for the State of Hawaii. With more than 35 years of experience in establishing and executing defense sector partnerships including key stakeholders: military, all levels of government, business, labor, academia, nonprofit and community leaders, the MAC is uniquely positioned to lead the Hawaii Defense Alliance.
Managed by the Hawaii Defense Alliance and supported by Hawaii congressional delegates, the Pacific Intelligence Innovation Initiative (P3I) is committed to supporting economic development in Hawaii by creating jobs and opportunities for Hawaii’s students, businesses and military.

Supported by DBEDT
The Hawaii Defense Alliance is established by the State of Hawaii Department of Business Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT). For more information about DBEDT’s Hawaii Defense Economy project visit DefenseEconomy.hawaii.gov.