Hawaii Defense Alliance together with the Chamber of Commerce Hawaii, ClimbHI and CyberHawaii invite you to join Hui o Hawaii!
Opportunity seekers or individuals interested in internships, programs or job opportunities are encouraged to register by visiting bridge.climbhi.org.
For businesses or nonprofits interested in joining the workforce platform, please email helpdesk@climbhi.org with your organization’s name as well as any users (name and email) to get started.
What is Hui o Hawaii?
It is a demand-driven, career/workforce platform designed to recruit and hire Hawaii talent in defense economy positions. It is a network of DoD companies recruiting to fill positions and individuals seeking those opportunities.
Why was Hui o Hawaii created?
More than 800 Department of Defense (DoD) job opportunities are expected to be created within the next two years. With this monumental influx of jobs, the defense sector is looking to emphasize the current pipeline. Hui o Hawaii translated in Hawaiian is Hawaii is Home. The platform also encourages Hawaii residents to live and work in the state and for folks who have left to return home.
Who should join?
Companies with DoD contracts or subcontractors in Hawaii, individuals looking to enter the DoD workforce, and Hawaii born individuals who wish to return home to Hawaii to work in the defense sector. The following industries are anticipated to be in high demand:
- Data Analysis
- Communications and Signals Systems (5G, STARLink, Satellite)
- Geospatial Information Scientists
- Linguistics (Chinese and Russian)
- Economists
- Human Geography
- Area Specialists (China, North Korea, Pacific Islands, Indo-Pacific Region)
- Project Management
- Information Technology
- Cybersecurity
- Mobile Airfield and Smart Warehouse Distribution Systems
- Logistics Systems and Supply Chain Predictive Analytics
- Secure Infrastructure Construction Management
For businesses or nonprofits interested in joining the workforce platform, please email helpdesk@climbhi.org with your organization’s name as well as any users (name and email) to get started.