The long-awaited Japan Industry Forum is returning this fall and sponsored by the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Japan Post!
Registration deadline: 30 September. No exceptions.
1) Learn about the near-future design and construction program plans by the US military services in Japan.
2) Network with potential partner firms.
3) Share lessons learned from both the US government and architect/engineer/construction companies.
4) Benefit from the resources that the Society of American Military Engineers provides.
“Strengthening industry-government engagement (IGE) ” is the first goal in the 2025 SAME Strategic Plan and remains the Society’s primary purpose. To that end, at our Industry Forum, all DoD agencies will be briefing design and construction programs planned over the next few years at all military installations so that industry can best posture to meet government’s future needs. Additionally, the forum serves as the Japan Post’s main opportunity to raise funds supporting post programs, including scholarships to students pursuing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math ( STEM) related careers.