Join us for the third quarterly webinar of 2022 with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Honolulu District and Hawaii PTAC.
In this webinar, the USACE Honolulu District will provide industry-specific information on active USACE projects in the Honolulu Districts Area of Responsibility and updated forecasts for their projected projects, emphasizing opportunities for the small business community within Hawaii.
Following that, the USACE Honolulu District and Hawaii PTAC will present on some contracting tips. This quarter the USACE will go into detail on the FR update Vol.87 No.80, that allows for–but does not require–small business set-asides in overseas procurements, and the Small Business Administration (SBA) update regarding small business firms’ ability to utilize work performed as a member of a joint venture or first-tier subcontractor as a basis for their past performance rating when proposing as a prime. This FR update has the potential to open a substantial number of contracting opportunities to small businesses with the capabilities to compete.
This will then be followed by Q&A.